Esta semana santa mi familia se reunió acá en Caracas, vinieron de Maracaibo y Valencia a quedarse en mi casa
y aprovechar estas vacaciones juntos. Y aunque no hay muchas cosas que podamos hacer entre el gentío y la nueva
bebe Grecia, decidimos que sería lindo llevar a mi sobrino Sebastian a conocer el teleférico.
La pasamos chévere, si quitan la parte en la que hay que hacer una cola de una hora para bajar haha, supongo que
como es temporada estaba hecho una locura.
Importante >> Las ultimas dos fotos del post las tomo Sebastián! ♥
Important >> The last two photos in this post were taken by Sebastian! ♥
This Easter my family gathered here in Caracas, they came from Maracaibo and Valencia to stay at my house
and spend this holiday together. And even tho there weren't many things we can do, due the crowd and new the
baby Grecia, we decided it would be nice to take my nephew Sebastian to know the cable car.
and spend this holiday together. And even tho there weren't many things we can do, due the crowd and new the
baby Grecia, we decided it would be nice to take my nephew Sebastian to know the cable car.
It was fun, if you remove the part where we had to make a queue for an hour to go down haha, it was crazy but
i guess it's normal, it is holiday season.
i guess it's normal, it is holiday season.